Had some spare time tonight. Just did some more terrain upgrading. Fixed up the dirt roads with a little more texturing, as well as fixed up some of the trees by painting up the trunks as well as painting over some of the glue spots (was using a glue gun to adhere the clump flock). All in all looks pretty good considering I didn't spend much time on this "upgrade". I must say though, it has been a while since I did work on my terrain. It shows though. So I am planning a lot of new terrain projects/upgrades. My friend told me that felt and lichen are the lazy wargamers terrain! Hahahaa... perhaps he is right. Anyway... below are the results.
Now to get on with a few more turns of our battle tonight. Should have another BatRep up by early next week. Stay tuned!
An AFTER pic of the road after some texturing. |
A BEFORE pic of the road (plain brown felt). |
A Hay and Plant field completed as well. Black Magic Marker and flock on nothing more than pieces of cut felt. Pretty sweet really. |
Overhead view of our recent BG Overlord game. |
A black felt marker was used to make "deep" tracks in the road giving some shading. |
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