I did manage to get a pretty good battle in a few weeks back - which my side ( the Germans) lost! Ahhh... was a really fun battle. Interesting battle that featured the .26 Panzer v. Old Iron Sides div. A mech. infantry list v infantry. I have been playing a lot with my infantry list as of late. I mostly play Armor lists, so this is taking getting used to. So far I love the depth infantry provides - not to mention the battles offer many new options tactically.
I also finally got a hold of the Bridge at Remagen book for FoW. I love it so far. I got this mainly to complete my Western Front collection, but also to add some more nasty-ness to my Americans.
Also, I have been doing some painting and adding troops to my forces.
Some Jagdpanthers just completed. |
More tank hunters, in this case some StuG replacements, the JagdpzIV L40 |
Just got these off a friend. These are FOUR more M10's added to my tank destroyers. Note these are crewed by brits! |
Both my Germans and my Americans received some RECON vehicles including a few jeeps with mortars and .50 cal MG's, a Greyhound, and some 8 Rads for the Germans. |
My Jpanthers getting painted. Also note a NEW objective marker I am working on - a blown-out flak 88 gun. |